have you been here? (2022)
For some, the hospital id bracelet signifies more than a name, or an identification of time and place. It signifies loss and trauma. have you been here, in this place?
What does a hospital id band carry for you? Have you been here, in this place? Have you ever felt cold fingertips pressing down as it’s secured onto your wrist, minimizing your person to that of mundane statistics. The hospital id bracelet signifies more than a name, or an identification of time and place. It carries uncertainty, loss, and trauma. A weight few are grateful to live without.
have you been here? is an installation featuring a large 5ft3" wide photograph of me laying in a hospital bed, with a text overlay reading "have you been here, in this place?" Garlands of recycled hospital id bands surround the work. It can be installed in various ways.